Saturday, April 26, 2014

Seems like alarm bells goin off are the "normal" here... well getting the hang of the fire alarm that went off last night... stayed put..and waited up for the announcement (as I understand it's the process out here) and then it was nothing... Phew!

Well! this is the all knowing the Kannedian way ... unlike the last time... last month... the apartment we lived in was on the 12th floor... at 4am.. the fire alarm goes off... and that puts the scare in us. Well! In India we are told... you hear the bells ring.. just head to the stairs and go down to the assembling area... only difference here.. well! the temperature was a freezing "-8" or worse!!! 

In that cold, and the alarm going off... we grab watever we could (passports.. wallets) and thank heavens for my presence of mind.. socks and a warm jacket.. and walked down to the 4th floor (which is the common to the next tower) ... as the stairs to the ground lead us to the outside.. freezing weather and we were not really well prepped for it!! so we stay out there... see the firemen arriving and going up .. and realised we seemed to be the only ones out at that hour... the building concierge saw us and says "stay I will come and get you when its over"... waited waited.. and then took a chance.. head back to the stairs and to the freezing cold outside... and realised.. well! there was nothing! we were infact the ONLY ones that went down! The guy who was to "come and get us" was sitting at his desk!! thankfully he used the freight lift and dropped us back to our floor! 

Went back home... but could not sleep for a couple of hours as the crazy alarm went beep beep every 20mins... phew!
In the morning, went down and figured the "process" .... 

Moral of the story.... Process Knowledge Very Important!! 

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